I'm Syed Moinuddin

- End

Front-end SDE adapt in crafting captivating user interfaces with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, ensuring seamless user experiences across devices.


Web Design

I build up a high-performance website with blazing-fast speed. Website with high performance can lead the visitor more.

SDE Front-End

Skilled SDE specializing in front-end development, creating captivating interfaces and seamless user experiences with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript expertise.


Proficient in React.js and Angular frameworks, leveraging them to expedite UI development, efficiently manage state, and create reusable components, ensuring scalable and maintainable code.



Project Management

GitHub empowers my development workflow by providing a collaborative platform for version control and project management. Its robust features streamline code collaboration, enabling efficient team coordination and seamless integration within my coding projects.

Visual Studio Code

Tool For Coding Efficiency

VS Code enhances my productivity by offering a seamless coding experience. Its user-friendly interface and extensive features simplify my web design projects, enabling efficiency in every line of code I write.


Web Design Tool

Figma revolutionizes my design process, offering a versatile platform for creating intuitive user interfaces and interactive prototypes. Its collaborative features and ease of use enable seamless teamwork and efficient iteration, elevating the quality of my design projects.



Projects done

🌟 I have successfully contributed to over 20 projects encompassing web design, robotics, and front-end development. My expertise lies in crafting captivating and visually appealing websites while ensuring top-notch performance.



🌟 Over the course of 1 year, I have honed my skills in Python, HTML, CSS, and a spectrum of related technologies. Moreover, I am well-versed in AWS, leveraging its cloud services to enhance my proficiency and contribute effectively to diverse projects.


Front-End and SDE

🌟 Front-end and SDE enthusiast adept in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SCSS, Next.js, React, Git, VS Code, Python, C++, AWS, CI/CD, and DevOps. Passionate about crafting seamless user experiences and robust software solutions. Let's innovate together!

About Me

Syed Moinuddin

Quote of the year

Life is suffering.

Hi! This is Syed Moinuddin

A Front-End Developer

Hi there! 👋 I'm deeply passionate about front-end and software development, where creativity meets functionality. With a love for crafting seamless user experiences, I thrive on the challenge of coding elegant solutions. When not at the desk, you'll catch me immersed in music or exploring virtual worlds through PC gaming. I approach my work with a productivity mindset, ensuring efficient and top-notch results. My skill set combines front-end finesse with solid software development expertise. Let's collaborate and bring innovative ideas to life!


Jacob & Co. Watch Website Project.

E-Commerce Website.

The main goal of this project is to demonstrate my proficiency in front-end web development. I aimed to create a responsive website that functions flawlessly across various devices, including PCs, iPads, iPhones, and other devices. Through this project, I have honed my skills in:

1.HTML 2.CSS 3.JavaScript 4.SCSS

Minimal Login Design.

A website for Login.

Minimal Login Design is a user-friendly, sleek, and simple login interface that offers easy login options, including Google and Apple accounts. This design focuses on providing a hassle-free experience for users while ensuring security and convenience.

1.HTM 2.CSS 3.JavaScript

Todo List Web App.

A website for list of things to-do

This is a simple web application for managing your tasks - a Todo list! Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this app provides a user-friendly interface to add, remove, and mark tasks as complete.

1.HTM 2.CSS 3.JavaScript

GitHub API.

The application allows users to interact with GitHub functionalities seamlessly.

User Search: Search for GitHub users and view their profiles. Repository Listing: Display repositories of a specific user. User Details: Get detailed information about a user, including their bio, followers, and following.

1.HTML 2.CSS 3.JavaScript